3 Ways Neuro-Optometry Can Help Stroke Survivors

Author: Dr. Laura Cookson | | Categories: Neuro-Optometry , Optometry Clinic , Stroke Care , Stroke Recovery , Visual Rehabilitation


Stroke survivors often face a complex road to recovery, one that involves addressing not just physical mobility but also sensory impairments, including significant changes in vision. As a leading optometry clinic based in Milton, Ontario, InDepth Vision specializes in offering comprehensive neuro-optometric rehabilitation services designed to aid in the recovery of stroke survivors. Our tailored approaches not only enhance visual function but also significantly improve the overall quality of life.

What is Neuro-Optometry?

Neuro-Optometry focuses on the relationship between the neurological processes of the visual system and overall visual performance. It involves specialized care that addresses visual disorders stemming from neurological events like strokes, concussions, and car accidents. At InDepth Vision, our neuro-optometric rehabilitation is designed to assess and treat visual dysfunctions that occur as a direct consequence of brain injuries.
Approximately two-thirds of stroke survivors experience visual impairment, which can manifest as:

  • Diminished central or peripheral vision

  • Eye movement abnormalities

  • Eye coordination abnormalities

  • Visual perceptual defects

Common visual symptoms after a stroke include:

  • Blurred or altered vision

  • Double or jumbled vision

  • Loss of peripheral vision

  • Difficulty reading

  • Light sensitivity

  • Inability to recognize familiar objects or people

  • Headaches

  • Nausea with visual tasks (i.e. reading, scrolling, driving, etc)

  • Difficulty in a busy environment

  • Difficulty with attention and concentration

  • Bumping into or knocking over objects

1. Restoration of Visual Skills

After a stroke, patients may experience difficulties with eye movement control, visual field loss, and visual balance disorders. Neuro-optometry uses a series of personalized activities aimed at improving eye coordination and efficiency. Our therapists at InDepth Vision work closely with stroke survivors, employing techniques that can retrain the brain to control eye movements more effectively, thereby enhancing the ability to read, navigate environments, and perform daily tasks independently.

2. Compensation for Visual Field Loss

Visual field loss is a common complication following a stroke, characterized by a partial or total inability to see certain areas in the normal field of vision. Neuro-vision rehabilitation at InDepth Vision involves strategies and therapies that help patients adapt to these changes.

3. Prescribing customized lenses

After a thorough assessment of the visual system, Dr. Cookson, our Neuro-Rehabilitative Optometrist, may prescribe glasses or contact lenses that have been custom-designed for you.  These often include prisms, tints, and coatings to reduce symptoms and aid in recovery.  They often help by:

  • Expanding the field of vision, thereby reducing the risk of bumping into objects or falling

  • Improving reading

  • Treating binocular vision dysfunction (difficulty with eye coordination)

  • Reducing glare

  • Improving comfort

  • Minimizing visual strain

  • Reducing light sensitivity

  • Enhancing contrast

4. Improvement in Cognitive and Perceptual Visual Functions

Stroke survivors often face challenges with visual perception, which can affect their ability to recognize faces, judge distances, or navigate through spaces. Cognitive visual rehabilitation focuses on enhancing these perceptual capabilities. Through a series of targeted activities, our vision therapists help patients improve skills like visual memory, pattern recognition, and spatial visualization. This holistic approach not only aids in recovering visual functions but also supports broader cognitive recovery, which is essential for regaining independence and returning to daily activities.

At InDepth Vision, we understand the critical role vision plays in overall recovery and independence post-stroke. Our dedicated team of optometrists and vision therapists is committed to providing the highest standard of care, utilizing state-of-the-art techniques in neuro-optometry to support your journey back to wellness. If you or a loved one are navigating the challenges of post-stroke recovery and experiencing visual difficulties, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Take the first step towards a clearer, more independent future. Contact InDepth Vision at (905) 876-6042 or email us at info@indepthvision.ca to schedule your consultation. Let us help you see the world with new clarity and confidence.

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